Posts from 2017

Vincent Nguyen 26 August 2017

When I start to learn and work on Elixir, I really impressive about Ecto.

Ecto is a database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir.

My personal feeling is Ecto is not magically like ActiveRecord. For example, Ecto doesn't support Lazy...

Vincent Nguyen 19 June 2017

Chapter 1: Rediscover Simplicity

In the chapter 1, the author has introduced four ways to solve a problem named 99 bottles. Basically, the problem is not difficult but it has many cases - these four ways that author shared are common ways to solve...

Vincent Nguyen 10 June 2017

Tôi viết bài này chỉ là tự nhắc nhở bản thân mình và một người khác phải luôn vội vàng mà sống. Con người khác động vật ở chỗ con người biết ước mơ. Có điều ước mơ thì nhiều nhưng cuộc đời con người nó lại ngắn. Chỉ sống được có vài chục năm trên...

Vincent Nguyen 3 June 2017

Yo! I came back after 2 months. This post is my note after read a news from CodeShip.

From wiki:

Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior.

Why Refactor Your Code

I still...

Vincent Nguyen 3 April 2017

Reading books is my hobby. Normally I have few problems when reading science or programming's books. Some books are quite hard to read and understand. The big reason is I don't know the right way to read. Luckily I found an article sharing tips to...

Vincent Nguyen 28 March 2017

Import and Alias

To call a function from another module, you have to reference the module name, sometime this can be cumbersome. If your module often calls functions from another module, let's use import other module into your own.

Vincent Nguyen 24 March 2017

This title belongs Sandi Metz. She spoke at a Ruby Conference 5 years ago - Source:

I am learning object oriented design - I watched this video two days ago and I have few notes about what I learned:


Vincent Nguyen 19 March 2017

Yo! It's time to start learning new languages. Elixir is a language that I started to learn. Below are few notes:

  • Everything in Elixir is an expression that has a return value.

  • Module is a collection of functions, something like...

Vincent Nguyen 11 March 2017

Personal note after reading The Cleancoder chapter 1. Thanks Uncle Bob for this awesome book.

If you are a developer, you have to read it. The perfect time to read is when you have two or three years experience in software/web/backend development...

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